Last updated
Last updated
Main Menu
ADV Textbox
NVL Textbox
Pause Menu
CG Gallery
Music Room
Photos from Unsplash 2017:
Copyright 2015 Anthony DELANOIX
Copyright 2015 Sebastian Unrau
Copyright 2016 Mink Mingle
Copyright 2017 Raphael Koh
Renpy: Copyright 2012-2017 Tom Rothamel.
Nunito: Copyright 2014 The Nunito Project Authors (contact@sansoxygen.com) — distributed under the SIL Open Font License, 1.1
Open FADE.zip
and drag the whole FADE
folder into wherever you set your Ren'Py projects directory.
Open the .zip
of which theme you want: Mercury, Venus, or Neptune.
Copy the files inside the desired theme's folder to FADE/game/gui
For your convenience, the most commonly customized aspects are all placed under gui.rpy
Before you change anything, I recommend that you test your install to make sure it is successful. If you run into errors, try 1) deleting persistent, and 2) force recompile.
(Note: To prevent errors, some default Ren'Py theme images are kept.)
gui.overlay_opacity = 0.7
The opacity of the menu's overlay. Float.
gui.mm_background = "gui/mm_background.jpg"
The background image for your main menu. Displayable.
gui.mm_logo = "gui/logo.png"
The logo of your game on the main menu. Ideal dimensions: 290 x 70. Displayable.
gui.mm_logoy = 0.25
The ycenter of the logo (how far down the screen it is). Recommended is 0.25. Float.
guisfx_button_hover = "sfx/silence_sec.ogg"
Sound when a button is hovered. Path.
guisfx_button_click = "sfx/silence_sec.ogg"
Sound when a button is clicked. Path.
guisfx_button_warn = "sfx/silence_sec.ogg"
Sound when a warning pops up, like when deleting a file. Path.
config.main_menu_music = "music/silence_min.ogg"
Music for the main menu. Path.
config.has_voice = True
If you don't want voices, set this to False. The feature will also disappear from the Settings screen. Boolean.
gui.advname_font_face = "gui/Nunito 700.ttf"
Text for the name and headers. Path.
gui.advname_font_size = 34
Text size for the name and headers. Integer.
gui.advname_font_color = '#ffffff'
Text color for the name and headers. Color.
gui.advname_font_kerning = 4
The amount of pixels between each letter for the name and the headers. Integer.
varAdvNameUppercase = True
Sets names and headers to automatically be all-caps. Boolean.
gui.adv_font_face = "gui/Nunito 300.ttf"
Text for the dialogue and paragraphs. Path.
config.font_replacement_map["gui/Nunito 300.ttf", True, False] = ("gui/Nunito 700.ttf", False, False)
The replacement font for bold text. If you have a different font face for bold, put your normal font where "Nunito 300" is, and your bold font where "Nunito 700" is.
config.font_replacement_map["gui/Nunito 300.ttf", False, True] = ("gui/Nunito 300 italic.ttf", False, False)
The replacement font for italic text. If you have a different font face for italic, put your normal font where "Nunito 300" is, and your bold font where "Nunito 700" is.
gui.adv_font_size = 34
Text size for the dialogue and paragraphs. Integer.
gui.adv_font_color = '#ffffff'
Text color for the dialogue and paragraphs. Color.
gui.adv_font_line = 1
The amount of pixels between each line for the dialogue and paragraphs. Integer.
gui.has_cg = True
If you don't want a CG gallery, set this to False, and the gallery will disappear from the Extras menu.
gui.has_mr = True
If you don't want a music room, set this to False, and the music room will disappear from the Extras menu.
Mar 8, 2019 | Fade 1.1.1 Clarity hotfix moving the save directory string to gui.rpy for easy changes.
Jun 13, 2018 | Fade 1.1.0 Tested and tuned for compatibility with Renpy 7.0.0. Simplified the installation process. Created more detailed documentation.
Mar 5, 2018 | Fade 1.0.1 Bug fix that caused CG Gallery images to render in the wrong position.
Dec 13, 2017 | Fade 1.0.0 Base release.